Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Bestest Brat Ever!!!!

We speat the afternoon rehearsing "A Sithmas Carol" for next weekends "PopExpo" (mini Ottawa ComicCon) Star Wars kids hour. (I play an ewok - a dramatic stretch for sure!!)

But when the Brat took me home .... he gave me a bag. "Early Christmas presents!!!"

He knows me well!!! 

But honestly ... aren't they AWESOME!!! I am still *SQUEEEEEEEE*   :D  

Just what the Doctor brat ordered! (I needed a little pick me up today) ;) 

I didn't even know they existed .. it's not very often one of my friends can best me when it comes to Star Wars collectiing!!!

*doing ewok happy dance* 



  1. Those are awesome. i'm not a huge Star Wars fan, but I have friends who are and they would just die over something like that.

  2. Thanks scarlet! I have a very eclectic SW collection .. my friends love it when they can find something that I don't even know exists!!! It's hard for them because I will see it & buy it immediately. I am banned ... BANNED from the local comic book shops until AFTER Christmas!!! ... true story ... they have posters & everything! :(

  3. My Man would LOVE all of these!! He is a huge SW fan =) Where could I find these stockings?? -Pearl

  4. I know for a fact that the ornament came from Target (they have Darth Vader as well ... but sold out) .. but the Brat would NOT tell me where he got the stockings from (definately NOT online though). Try to google & see ... Oooo I will google & see what I can find out! ;)

    1. Yup ... try Target for the stockings as well! Let me know if you have any luck!! ;)

  5. hahaha now i have the ewok song in my head. tsk.
