Friday, November 22, 2013


No, not that kind of daddy!

Thank the Maker!

 We brought my dad home from the hospital today!!! Yay!!!! He was actually supposed to be out yesterday
but the DRs felt that he could benefit one more night, due to the fact that it took so long for his oxygen levels to come back to normal. (we were grateful for that though)

But he is doing well & on the mend so we are all very grateful for that! Well he is finding it hard to move around and he is pretty weak but all in all ...

 I will be heading home tomorrow & back to my regularly scheduled life ... such as it is!

I have had lots of time "off" this week. I have been doing lots of thinking .. that is never good. I have even started a couple of "deep" blog posts .. I am not sure if I will post them or even finish them. We'll see though.


  1. so glad he is home.......time "off" ids never good for this girl...bad thoughts occur. hope you ate doing well, and not letting those demons take over.

    1. The demons have definitely been here but I have managed to keep a handle on them for the most part! thanks :D

  2. Oh so good to hear! I'm happy for you family. and glad you'll be headed home soon - to your regular programming!

    1. thanks Fondles ... it's been a looooooong week. Just the twice a day trips to the hospital is draining, although I did run into a lot of people I have not seen in years! But everybody is much happier at home & I am comfortable leaving my Da to the "tender mercies" of my Mom! ;)

  3. I'm so glad to hear he is doing better. Keep yourself busy so thought demon thoughts don't lead you astray. *hug*

    1. That was the problem ... Too much down time between the twice a day visits to the hospital. But everything is good. I can't wait to go home though ... A good night sleep & all (although I am sure my cat will spend the night yelling at me) ;)

      Thanks Mickey!

  4. Cracks me up that around these parts you have to explain that daddy actually means your father... Glad he's home and on the mend.

    I've got a couple of those deep thoughts kind of posts sitting there. Just writing them helps, I think. Then I go back days later and read them and wonder why I thought sharing that was a good idea. Yet I felt it and still do. Dunno... That thinking business tends to send me off to bad places sometimes.

    1. Yeah .. "those" posts ... sometimes I can rework them so they are not so incoherant .. other times I just need to bin them. I do try though to put everything out there ... not to have a filter. And alot of the time those posts seem maudlin & "oh no there she goes again" but I do find them helpful to me. So it's always a judgement call .. a battle within whether I post or not.

    2. you should always just post them. especially if they are real to you. i don't filter. if someone doesn't wanna read it, they can skip ahead to another blog and come back next week. no malice there, i'm just sayin. don't worry about people going "there she goes again" .

      we love hearing you go :) *ew, that sounded wrong didnt it?*

    3. I don't usually filter either ... I just like to apologize in advance!! o.O ... cuz I am just weird like that.
