Wednesday, January 22, 2014

"There is another"

Title quote: Yoda from Empire Strikes Back   :P

I do have one other Tumblr .. "interest". This one is NOT "tumblr famous" at least as far as I can tell anyway. Not that I care but I was just amused the reaction I got yesterday about tumblr famous.

He intrigues me.

I shall need to give him a name ... I want to call him "scruffy looking  nerd herder" but maybe Captain Solo but be better. I am still working on it. *giggles*

Anyway, he started messaging me just before Christmas. He drives me crazy ... constantly teases me about the whole Star Wars thing.

Which is fine. BRING IT!  You'll never win a Star Wars "war" against me but you'll have fun trying.

But what is so maddening is that he will say something flilrty or sweet or some such thing. And I will respond in kind .. then nothing ... ziltch. And I won't hear from him again for awhile.

(I have a rule that I don't message anybody unless they message me first ... conversely if they don't respond to something I send them, I won't send a follow up message) 

He pretty much remains a big old mystery to me ... I like that though. It's an adventure

I do imagine he is probably married or otherwise engaged. Just another guy on tumblr looking to relieve the mundane of everyday life maybe? I don't know why I know this ... it's just a hunch.

It will probably never reach beyond mild flirty & SW teasing but that's okay .. I am having fun with it. And it sure as hell beats alot of the creepers that are out there.

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