Sunday, December 29, 2013

Out of My Head

First I want to thank Mickey for this ... she got me thinking (oh no!)

Why do I write a blog?

I first discovered blog land in the initial stages of my D/s with FormerD ... it was a great place to learn about this lifestyle, instead of from the countless "porn" sites out there. And when my relationship ended, it was here that I turned to, and from the advice of a very wise man ... sent me down my path.

It's been an "interesting" journey so far. Most of it I have spent alone. And that's not such a bad thing.

But I digress, I think I shall leave the reflections for another post.

So why do I blog & why here?

Basically, it's the one place I can get all the jumbled thoughts out of my head & down on "paper" so to speak.

It does give me clarity and has "forced" me to be very honest with myself.

I do not write for the enjoyment of others, or for validation or acceptance ... I don't know, maybe they are bi-products?

I am still always so amazed & surprised, that people even read my blog. And utterly Gobsmacked by the show of support & encouragement by all those who comment. It is an important part of any bloggers life, I believe, whether we (me) admit it or not.

But it is not why I write.

I often wonder, where I would be if I hadn't had the courage (desperation) to write that email to that wise man way back in April, when I was sinking so deep into the Abyss of not knowing what the hells I was doing. I would probably be back ... locked safely behind those walls, wondering why my vanilla "sex" life sucks so much.

I write because it helps me. This is the one & only place where I can be totally honest, without fear of reprisals (even though I do get them occasionally - probably well deserved too). It's a rare gift, for me at least, to have this blog.

I am grateful. Grateful that I have this blog & I am grateful that you all follow me & offer your unwavering support. And yes that includes my lurker in Russia who has been a constant visitor for over a week now! Thank you .. maybe you will stop by & say hello? No? That's okay too .. just know you are welcome here.

I am also grateful to be able to read about everybody else's lives too . To be allowed into your lives, in some small way, has been wonderful & I have learned lots thru you all.

Mickey ... I am glad that you decided to undelete. Not only because I would miss you but also because you are inspiring to me as well!!!


  1. Thank you for writing your blog. You are a part of a very special community. I hope you keep on writing.

    Happy New Year,


    1. Thank you Joey and you are correct! THIS is a very special community & I am very honoured to be a part of it!

      Happy New Year!

  2. I enjoy your blog a lot, so I'm glad you write it. For me too, part of the reason for blogging is to clarify my thoughts and get them onto "paper." If I don't blog, I either don't get it written down at all, or I try, but it just comes out as a rambling paragraph. The quality of the writing is better when I put in on my blog.

    Keep writing, and Happy New Year!:)

    1. I "threatened" to leave once but no ... I am not going anywhere. This blog is my little hideyhole!!!

      Thanks & Happy New Year to you as well!

  3. I do love your blog GK because you are so honest and don't care what people think. It really inspires me to try to 'let go and be honest'. (I can be one of those who worries way too much what people think). Still struggling with that, but I think that's what blogging does for me -- helps me be 'me'.

    1. Thank you so much Aurora! It's really only been the last couple of years that I have come into my own & I am 47 now!

      I grew up as a shy quiet child ... Afraid if my own shadow. I did not have a lot of friends & quite frankly felt like a loser most of my life!
      Slowly but surely, I started to realize that I was a good person & had friends & family that cared about me so I started to push the negative people out if my life. Who needs that kind of shit in their lives anyway? And now, sure it's still important to me what my friends think (and family) but outside of that ... I really don't care cuz haters are gonna hate no matter what.

      You are a lovely person & I am do glad that you are starting to come into your own with your blog.

      The next time anybody tries to put you down or makes you feel small ... Just remember that you are married to your Prince & have a wonderful life & you will see just how pathetic these nay-Sayers really are. You WILL stop caring what they think & in fact will start to feel sorry for them because they have to try to make others feel bad just to make themselves feel better about themselves!!!

