Monday, April 21, 2014

Well, Colour me Collared!

Sneaks a peak to make sure the coast is clear of all curses ....

Well it's been 4 days since I wrote about my Wolf and still no curse ... oooh .. maybe the curse has been broken???

It's been a whirlwind of a week for us. So much is happening. His work is keeping us both guessing .. things change rapidly within his work schedule ... sometimes it leaves me dizzy! But hopefully that can't last forever ... or maybe it is the nature of the beast. I don't know.

And as for us ... we are going strong. Learning more of each other everyday .. and liking more & more each day as well. The whole "rushing" thing is there but the fact that we can talk it out, really does not make it seem all that important of a "thing" . It is what it is & that fits us both perfectly.

I am now his collared kittie ... and very proud to be so.

Wolf has never collared anybody before and it was important to Him to make it special. This was also new & special for me as well. I have worn my collar for both my former Doms before, but it was just that My Collar .. one I had had back from my "goth" days.

But the fact that my Wolf wants me to wear HIS collar???


We ordered a collar that we both liked (from my local shop) but it is going to take a whole week to get here (hopefully by this Friday)

But this was not soon enough for Sir Wolf. 

Nope .. I had to go to the shop & pick out one for immediate use. There really wasn't alot that caught my eye but we finally did find one that would suit us both until my permanent collar arrives .... 

I like the spikes but they do come off if need be! 

I was very excited to get home & try it on but Wolf wanted to do things right. I could try it on but only for a minute. He waited until with Skyped that evening. He wrote the most beautiful speech & read it to me. And with that I donned my collar & became his happy collared baby girl. I count myself both blessed and lucky
to be his.

We are currently looking for a day collar so that I have something to wear all the time. It has been a little bit harder to find. I prefer something for my wrist because I am not really a "necklace" kinda gal and I like simple and small. 

If anybody has any suggestions on where to look ..  any assistance would be greatly accepted. 


  1. oh how exciting!

    etsy has all sorts of interesting jewellery, including purposely BDSM stuff. you have to have a good trawl but you might find something?

    1. Oooo I have never been to etsy, though I have heard great things about it.

      Thanks mc!!!

  2. Thrilling news - hope you find something to wear all day, its lovely to have it about the neck, a reminder :)

    1. Thanks ... we are growing every day & loving every minute of it.

      I am hoping for a "wrist collar" .. it's been alot harder than finding my actual collar. But I am very particular when it comes to "jewelry" . :/

      Wolf says we don't have to be limited to just one though! ;)

  3. Awe. Beautiful. Try etsy!

    1. Thanks hs! Will definately look into esty!!!
      Or maybe Tiffnay's ... hahahahahaha .. I am kidding! ;)

  4. Pet, told you I reserved the right to buy a dress up day collar ;) WolfDreams514

    1. Yes Sir Wolf, I know that you did & esty is a perfect place to look! Wouldn't you agree???? :D
