Monday, June 23, 2014

Bloggity, blog, blog blog!!

Why do we blog?!?!?

... And open ourselves up to ridicule.

Why do people think they have a right to command, to judge us?

Why do people think they know us?

... just because we write SOME of our experiences & SOME of feelings down, or post the photos that we like (tumblr)

If people are so sure they know who we are, that they can offer criticism, judge us, call us liars, dillusional & every other negative thing out there ...

... Why do they hide behind the anonymous mask?

Cowardly blow hards ... So quick to judge, to make fun of us, to chastise, to condemn.

You don't impress anybody here.

I blog for me. It helps to make sense of things that happen & things that I feel.

I don't do it for anybody else.

I don't care if people like me or not.

It's not like I don't appreciate feed back or the friends that I have made thru blogging because I do.

It's an extra bonus!

If it weren't for bloggers (and that ONE who really helped me in the early days) I probably would not be in this lifestyle & would be miserable.

So dear greyfaces out there:

If you do NOT have the balls to say something to our face, please go crawl back under your rock.
Nobody wants to hear your cowardly squeaks


  1. You rock!

    Love your blog too. Then again, maybe we are the same person with split personalities. :)

  2. Grrrr, I really dislike people like that. But I've found they aren't worthmy time or energy. Typically they live very sad and hate filled lives. I try to shake my head and let things like that roll off me. Not that I always succeed but I try, lol.

    You are amazing and don't let the faceless voices tell you otherwise!! :D

    1. thanks JAS. This rant was not actually about me. I actually get little to no hate mail .. even on tumblr (I don't know whether to be relieved or insulted).
      But I do see alot of it .. mostly on tumblr. I actually get really offended and protective when I see my friends getting attacked & harrassed.

  3. Having had my fair share of judgemental comments i can understand the frustration/upset/anger, i do try not to let them get to me...just not worth my time.
    I simply choose to blog for me, however i love the interaction with fellow bloggers, but im not concerned about the stats.


    1. I couldn't agree with you more tori. This is pretty much the reason for this ranty post ... to voice my opinion on the matter.
      I actually have been lucky ... I have not really gotten any hate mail but alot of my friends do (especially on tumblr) and it makes my blood boil for them.
      Me ... I would love the nasty .. it would give me a chance to sharpen my claws.
      But I am like you .. I do not care about the stats either. My blog is my blog ... if people don't like it, they don't have to read it. But I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy meeting new people & the interactions too.
